not-so-basic basics - the top 5 wardrobe staples I wouldn't want to live without
I am a firm believer that if you have a handful of quality staples in your wardrobe - you can then throw in some fun and inexpensive costume

summer vacation must-packs (and how i'm fitting a week's worth of clothes into a teeny tiny
Let's take a moment to reflect on the fact that I am making a packing list that doesn't involve a single diaper or booster seat. Tha

the only green drink recipe you'll ever need
I love a good green drink -- in fact, it was literally ALL I craved during my first trimester, when I was pregnant with Ava (don't worry

ava's ice cream social - first birthday party!
I'll admit... there was a point (probably around the time I was cutting out and assembling the 3 foot paper ice cream sculpture), when I

easter with our modern family
I have really been looking forward to Easter this year. I am and always have been a total holiday nerd -- dying Easter eggs as an adult woma

baby's first easter basket
Ava was FRESH out the womb for her first Easter... we are talkin' less-than-4-weeks-old fresh. I was also sleep-deprived, and unsure if

my guide to exploring abbot kinney - the boulevard that makes venice beach sparkle
The name Venice Beach probably conjures up images of an overly-tan man, roller skating down a boardwalk with a Speedo two sizes too small. B