apple picking as a family of three

A few weeks back, Jordan, Ava and I drove out to Oak Glen to go apple picking and take some photos to capture our first holiday season as a family of three! This time of year has always been so magical for me. The holiday traditions we had, and memories we made as kids have stuck with me through adulthood and are a big reason why I still get so excited when August turns into September, and the air gets a little more crisp. For me it always feels like the start of something wonderful, fresh and new -- while still making me long for those times I enjoyed so many years ago as a little girl. Celebrations with family and friends. Crock pot apple cider with cinnamon sticks. Cookie baking, pumpkin carving, turkey roasting. I love all of it.
This year feels especially significant because we now have our own little girl to share these times with. I love starting our own family traditions (even if she won't remember these earlier years), so I can make the holidays feel just as magical as they were for me growing up.
Links to all outfit details below!

Photos by Whimsie Studios
Corduroy Button-Up Skirt -
Cold Shoulder Top -
Red Rain Boots - PS I Adore You (similar style here)
Men's Army Jacket - Old Navy
Baby Dress - Old Navy (similar style here)
Baby Boots - Old Navy -- these are sold out which is so sad because they are SO adorable!!